90s 40% against rights "A hard man is good to find" t shirt
Amount of the bid / 落札金額
肩幅(Shoulder Width):51.5cm
袖丈(Sleeve Length):19.5cm
タグ(Tag):Forty Percent Against Rights/ONEITA
袖(Sleeve):Single stitch
裾(Hem):Single stitch
状態(Condition):大きなダメージはございません(There is no big damage)
落札予測金額(Estimate) :¥10,000 - 25,000
1993年 現Wtaps・DESCENDANTのディレクターTET氏と現C.EデザイナーでグラフィックデザイナーのSKATETHING氏が立ち上げたブランド「40%(FORTY PERCENT AGAINST RIGHTS」のTシャツ。スーパーモデルのフォトを大胆に使用したフォトTシャツの数々は当時大変な人気を博し、現在でも根強い人気のある一枚かと思います。サイズL。
[Item description]
1993 T-shirt of the brand "40% (FORTY PERCENT AGAINST RIGHTS)" launched by Mr. TET, director of the current Wtaps DESCENDANT, and Mr. SKATETHING, the current C.E designer and graphic designer.Photo T-shirt with a bold photo of a super model. Many of these were very popular at the time, and I think they are still very popular today.Size L.
肩幅(Shoulder Width):51.5cm
袖丈(Sleeve Length):19.5cm
タグ(Tag):Forty Percent Against Rights/ONEITA
袖(Sleeve):Single stitch
裾(Hem):Single stitch
状態(Condition):大きなダメージはございません(There is no big damage)
落札予測金額(Estimate) :¥10,000 - 25,000
1993年 現Wtaps・DESCENDANTのディレクターTET氏と現C.EデザイナーでグラフィックデザイナーのSKATETHING氏が立ち上げたブランド「40%(FORTY PERCENT AGAINST RIGHTS」のTシャツ。スーパーモデルのフォトを大胆に使用したフォトTシャツの数々は当時大変な人気を博し、現在でも根強い人気のある一枚かと思います。サイズL。
[Item description]
1993 T-shirt of the brand "40% (FORTY PERCENT AGAINST RIGHTS)" launched by Mr. TET, director of the current Wtaps DESCENDANT, and Mr. SKATETHING, the current C.E designer and graphic designer.Photo T-shirt with a bold photo of a super model. Many of these were very popular at the time, and I think they are still very popular today.Size L.