70s Happy Xmas (War Is Over) John&Yoko stadium jacket
Amount of the bid / 落札金額
肩幅(Shoulder Width):54.0cm
袖丈(Sleeve Length):62.0cm
状態(Condition):大きなダメージはございません(There is no big damage)
落札予測金額(Estimate) :¥40,000 - 60,000
ベトナム戦争に対する抗議を目的に1969年12月にニューヨークのタイムズスクエアなど世界11都市で一斉に『WAR IS OVER! IF YOU WANT IT Happy Christmas From John & Yoko』というメッセージが書かれた看板やポスター、新聞などを用いて平和キャンペーンが行われ大きな話題となった。こちらは、その当時のキャンペーンジャケットとなります。非常に希少性が高い一枚かと思います。
[Item description]
In December 1969, ``WAR IS OVER!'' was held simultaneously in 11 cities around the world, including New York's Times Square, to protest against the Vietnam War. A peace campaign using signs, posters, and newspapers with the message "IF YOU WANT IT Happy Christmas From John & Yoko" became a hot topic of conversation. This is the campaign jacket from that time. I think this is a very rare piece.
肩幅(Shoulder Width):54.0cm
袖丈(Sleeve Length):62.0cm
状態(Condition):大きなダメージはございません(There is no big damage)
落札予測金額(Estimate) :¥40,000 - 60,000
ベトナム戦争に対する抗議を目的に1969年12月にニューヨークのタイムズスクエアなど世界11都市で一斉に『WAR IS OVER! IF YOU WANT IT Happy Christmas From John & Yoko』というメッセージが書かれた看板やポスター、新聞などを用いて平和キャンペーンが行われ大きな話題となった。こちらは、その当時のキャンペーンジャケットとなります。非常に希少性が高い一枚かと思います。
[Item description]
In December 1969, ``WAR IS OVER!'' was held simultaneously in 11 cities around the world, including New York's Times Square, to protest against the Vietnam War. A peace campaign using signs, posters, and newspapers with the message "IF YOU WANT IT Happy Christmas From John & Yoko" became a hot topic of conversation. This is the campaign jacket from that time. I think this is a very rare piece.