90s agnes b.×Gilbert and George t shirt
Amount of the bid / 落札金額
肩幅(Shoulder Width):48.5cm
袖丈(Sleeve Length):16.0cm
タグ(Tag):agnes b.
袖(Sleeve):Single stitch
裾(Hem):Single stitch
状態(Condition):大きなダメージはございません(There is no big damage)
落札予測金額(Estimate) :¥10,000 - 30,000
97年パリで行われたGILBERT AND GEORGE の展覧会の際にアーティストTシャツシリーズ としてアニエスbが協賛して制作した一枚。赤と黒のタイポグラフィーがとても良いバランスでデザインされています。40周年記念で復刻版も出たようですが、こちらは当時のオリジナルとなります。
[Item description]
This piece was produced in collaboration with Agnès b as part of the artist T-shirt series for the GILBERT AND GEORGE exhibition held in Paris in 1997. The design has a very good balance of red and black typography. It seems that a reprint edition was released to commemorate the 40th anniversary, but this is the original from that time.
肩幅(Shoulder Width):48.5cm
袖丈(Sleeve Length):16.0cm
タグ(Tag):agnes b.
袖(Sleeve):Single stitch
裾(Hem):Single stitch
状態(Condition):大きなダメージはございません(There is no big damage)
落札予測金額(Estimate) :¥10,000 - 30,000
97年パリで行われたGILBERT AND GEORGE の展覧会の際にアーティストTシャツシリーズ としてアニエスbが協賛して制作した一枚。赤と黒のタイポグラフィーがとても良いバランスでデザインされています。40周年記念で復刻版も出たようですが、こちらは当時のオリジナルとなります。
[Item description]
This piece was produced in collaboration with Agnès b as part of the artist T-shirt series for the GILBERT AND GEORGE exhibition held in Paris in 1997. The design has a very good balance of red and black typography. It seems that a reprint edition was released to commemorate the 40th anniversary, but this is the original from that time.