00s Shadow Star Narutaru[なるたる] t shirt
Amount of the bid / 落札金額
肩幅(Shoulder Width):58.5cm
袖丈(Sleeve Length):23.5cm
タグ(Tag):fruit of the loom
袖(Sleeve):Double stitch
裾(Hem):Double stitch
状態(Condition):大きなダメージなく良好(Good without major damage)
落札予測金額(Estimate) :¥20,000 - 40,000
鬼頭 莫宏原作による日本の漫画『なるたる』。日本国内だけではなく、アメリカや中国でも放送され世界的な評価も高めている。こちらはU.S.Manga Corpラインで発売されたDVDの販促特典の一枚。コンディション良好。コピーライトあり、サイズXL
[Item description]
Narutaru is a Japanese manga originally written by Mohiro Kito. It has been broadcast not only in Japan, but also in the United States and China, and is gaining worldwide acclaim. This is one of the promotional bonuses for the DVD released in the U.S. Manga Corp line. Good condition. With copyright, size XL
肩幅(Shoulder Width):58.5cm
袖丈(Sleeve Length):23.5cm
タグ(Tag):fruit of the loom
袖(Sleeve):Double stitch
裾(Hem):Double stitch
状態(Condition):大きなダメージなく良好(Good without major damage)
落札予測金額(Estimate) :¥20,000 - 40,000
鬼頭 莫宏原作による日本の漫画『なるたる』。日本国内だけではなく、アメリカや中国でも放送され世界的な評価も高めている。こちらはU.S.Manga Corpラインで発売されたDVDの販促特典の一枚。コンディション良好。コピーライトあり、サイズXL
[Item description]
Narutaru is a Japanese manga originally written by Mohiro Kito. It has been broadcast not only in Japan, but also in the United States and China, and is gaining worldwide acclaim. This is one of the promotional bonuses for the DVD released in the U.S. Manga Corp line. Good condition. With copyright, size XL