the 16th auction "vintage t-shirts"
25 August [1 day only]

LOT Title Number of bids Successful tender price
1 90s Nirvana "IN UTERO" t shirt 18 ¥174,592
2 90s Nirvana "IN UTERO" t shirt 18 ¥187,314
3 90s Marilyn Manson t shirt 10 ¥32,530
4 90s Black Flag t shirt 14 ¥89,141
5 90s Bjork "debut" t shirt 20 ¥256,672
6 90s Bjork t shirt 12 ¥104,794
7 90s Alice's Adventures in Wonderland t-shirt 4 ¥29,282
8 90s Grateful Dead Artwork by Jurek t-shirt 10 ¥244,340
9 80s White tiger Photography by Bruce Weber t shirt 1 ¥157,500
10 90s GUCCI bootleg t shirt 4 ¥33,249
11 90s NIKE "Queen" t shirt 13 ¥24,624
12 90s Apple t shirt 15 ¥50,269
13 90-00s Buffalo 66 t shirt 21 ¥209,431
14 00s Pulp Fiction t shirt 11 ¥31,966
15 00s KILL BILL t shirt 8 ¥33,000
16 90s jack t shirt 15 ¥41,781
17 90s Natural Born Killers t-shirt 10 ¥109,755
18 00s The Lord of the Ring "The Two Tower" t shirt 4 ¥7,321
20 90s Titanic t-shirt 14 ¥40,340
21 90s The Mask t shirt 13 ¥158,997
22 90s MGM STUDIOS t shirt 2 ¥6,050
23 90s Disney Norman Rockwell parody t shirt 13 ¥47,230
24 80s Disney Mickey Mouse t shirt 5 ¥24,000
25 90s もののけ姫[Princess Mononoke] t shirt 2 ¥242,550
26 00s Hellsing t shirt 10 ¥13,974
27 90s Urusei Yatsura[うる星やつら] t shirt 11 ¥30,244
28 90s Magic Knight Rayearth[魔法騎士レイアース] t shirt 9 ¥14,960
29 80s Beastie Boys long sleeve t shirt 7 ¥97,437
32 90s Fractal art t shirt 10 ¥53,594
33 80-90s Fractal art t shirt 9 ¥45,418
34 90s Mao Zedong[毛沢東] t shirt 13 ¥17,270